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Jablonec 68: The First Summit of Jewelry Artists from East and West

Jablonec 68: The First Summit of Jewelry Artists from East and West

雙語書籍 (英語 / 德語) | 精裝 | 2018 | 206 頁 | 27×25 cm

出版社    Arnoldsche Art Publishers
作者     Angelika Nollert , Die Neue Sammlung The Design Museum
國際標準書號 9783897905191

2024-08-31T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,桑格夏日特賣會 - 滿2000現折100

全店,消費滿3000元 免運費

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.Artists: Anton Cepka, Florica Farcasu, Helena Frantová, Darina Horváthová, Libuse Hlubucková, Hermann Jünger, Jaroslav Kodej , Helfried Kodré, Elisabeth Defner-Kodré, Pavel Krbálek, Bruno Martinazzi, Blanca Nepasická, Manaba Magomedova, Eleonora Rejtharová, Josef Symon, Jerzy Zaremski and Othmar Zschaler
.Includes a complete reprint of the 1968 catalogue
.Accompanies the exhibition at Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich (DE), 10 March-3 June 2018

2018 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first international symposium of silver jewellery Jablonec '68. Thanks to the liberalisation endeavours as part of the 'Prague Spring', European jewellery artists from East and West came together for a 'summit' at the invitation of the Czech artists' association in Jablonec, northern Bohemia. On the guest list were such renowned names as Anton Cepka, Hermann Junger and Bruno Martinazzi - artists celebrated today as the founders of studio jewellery. The jewellery pieces that developed at that time have remained in the Muzeum skla a bizuterie in Jablonec nad Nisou and to this day have lost nothing of their exceptional and pioneering aura. This publication - which contains a reprint of the original catalogue from 1968 - makes these pieces accessible to a wider audience for the very first time. A document that in a wholly authentic way allows the reader to experience this unique historical moment in the history of the international studio jewellery scene. 


作者︰Angelika Nollert , Die Neue Sammlung The Design Museum
出版社︰Arnoldsche Art Publishers
尺寸︰27×25 cm
頁數︰206 頁


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