Karel Martens is a renowned Dutch graphic designer known for his unique letterpress printing and abstract designs. Since graduating from the Arnhem Academy of Art and Design in the Netherlands in 1961, Martens has become a significant figure in modern design, celebrated for his innovation and experimental spirit.
Martens' work is distinguished by his exquisite craftsmanship and unique use of color and shapes. He excels in combining geometric figures with vibrant colors to create visually striking works. Additionally, his exploration and experimentation in letterpress printing have endowed his works with high artistic value and uniqueness.
Besides being a designer, Karel Martens is also a dedicated educator. He has taught numerous courses in the Netherlands and internationally, profoundly influencing new generations of designers. He is also a co-founder of Werkplaats Typografie, a highly regarded postgraduate design program in Arnhem.
Martens' works span book design, printmaking, and typography, and he frequently participates in international exhibitions, receiving multiple international awards. His creative philosophy emphasizes experimentation and creativity, encouraging designers to find a balance between tradition and innovation while exploring new visual expressions.
This book is an exhibition. The pages can be arranged in sequence on a wall, creating a site-specific installation of 340 individual images over 21 square meters. Distributed in a limited edition of 750 copies, Martens invites participation in the transformation of the book as an object and the movement of the exhibition through time and space. You can use this book as your own statement. Produced on the occasion of the exhibition "Karel Martens: Re-Production" at IS A GALLERY in Shanghai, curated by Zhongkai Li. Design: Karel & Aagje Martens.