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Living Roofs: Urban Gardens Around the World

Living Roofs: Urban Gardens Around the World

英文書籍 | 精裝 | 2022 | 224 頁 | 31×24.8 cm

出版社    teNeues Verlag
作者     Ashley Penn (Author)
國際標準書號 9783961713936

2024-08-31T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,桑格夏日特賣會 - 滿2000現折100

全店,消費滿3000元 免運費

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  • An inspiring selection of verdant sanctuaries high above the hubbub of the city, from lush flower gardens to luxurious rooftop terraces boasting minimalist designs
  • The urban rooftop oasis trend continues unabated
  • Up to date and garden-fresh, revised and updated with the latest innovations and creations
  • Offers a glimpse through the keyhole at the most beautiful private rooftop terraces from all around the world

A green paradise high above the city’s rooftops is something so many people dream of, including those living in cities and searching for peace and quiet. Whether it’s a communal garden for an entire building or an exclusive personal and private oasis, a colourful sea of flowers, home-grown vegetables or a pool, there are no limits when it comes to the imagination of amateur gardeners.

This book of photographs showcases the most beautiful and varied urban rooftop terraces and exotic garden paradises from all around the world: from the Berlin country garden and the sprawling sundeck of the U Penthouse in Madrid to the enchanting rooftop expanse of the Willow House in Singapore. The featured locations, both unusual and individual, offer ample inspiration for your own dreams of a rooftop garden. Just sit back and enjoy this gorgeous book on your sundeck or in your cosy alcove.


作者︰Ashley Penn (Author)
出版社︰teNeues Verlag
尺寸︰31×24.8 cm


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