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The Art of Coding: The Language of Drawing, Graphics, and Animation

The Art of Coding: The Language of Drawing, Graphics, and Animation

英文書籍 | 平裝 | 2020 | 292 頁 | 23×16 cm

出版社    Chapman and Hall/CRC
作者     Mohammad Majid al-Rifaie (Author), Anna Ursyn (Author), Theodor Wyeld (Author)
國際標準書號 9781138629646

2024-08-31T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,桑格夏日特賣會 - 滿2000現折100

全店,消費滿3000元 免運費

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As the title suggests, this book explores the concepts of drawing, graphics and animation in the context of coding. In this endeavour, in addition to initiating the process with some historical perspectives on programming languages, it prides itself by presenting complex concepts in an easy-to-understand fashion for students, artists, hobbyists as well as those interested in computer science, computer graphics, digital media, or interdisciplinary studies.

Being able to code requires abstract thinking, mathematics skills, spatial ability, logical thinking, imagination, and creativity. All these abilities can be acquired with practice, and can be mastered by practical exposure to art, music, and literature. This book discusses art, poetry and other forms of writing while pondering difficult concepts in programming; it looks at how we use our senses in the process of learning computing and programming.

The Art of Coding contains a collection of learning projects for students, instructors and teachers to select specific themes from. Problems and projects are aimed at making the learning process entertaining, while also involving social exchange and sharing. This process allows for programming to become interdisciplinary, enabling projects to be co-developed by specialists from different backgrounds, enriching the value of coding and what it can achieve.


作者︰Mohammad Majid al-Rifaie (Author), Anna Ursyn (Author), Theodor Wyeld (Author)
出版社︰Chapman and Hall/CRC
尺寸︰23×16 cm
頁數︰292 頁


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